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Poha Chivda

Image of Poha Chivda

Chivda is an Indian snacks. It is crispy, sweet and spicy at the same time, it's a perfect tea time snacks item that you can also prepare. It is simple to cook and has a long shelf life as well.

Ingredients :-

  • 1/2 kg Thin Poha
  • 250 Gram Murmura
  • 200 Gram Roasted Gram Split
  • 1 Cup Groundnuts
  • 1 Cup Slices of Dry Coconut
  • 4 Fine Chopped Green Chili
  • 6 - 8 Fine Chopped Curry Leaves
  • 1/2 Cup Curry Leaves 
  • 1 Teaspoon Cumin Seeds
  • 1 Teaspoon Mustard Seeds
  • 2 Teaspoon Coriander Seeds
  • 2 Teaspoon Sesame Seeds
  • 1 Teaspoon Fennel Seeds(Sauf)
  • 1 Teaspoon Turmeric Powder
  • 1 Teaspoon Red Chili Powder
  • Sugar Powder to Taste
  • Oil
  • Salt

Recipe :- 

  1. Take 1/2 kg thin poha in a large stainless steel bowl.
  2. Heat 1 1/2 cup oil in a deep pan.
  3. Firstly, Add 1 cup groundnuts and fry it well. Take out the fried groundnuts from the pan.
  4. Add 1 cup slice of dry coconut in hot oil and fry it for 1/2 minutes. Take it out from the oil.
  5. Add 200 gram roasted gram split and fry it for 1/2 minutes. Take out the fried roasted gram split from the pan.
  6. After that add 1 teaspoon mustard seeds and let them pop. Add 1 teaspoon cumin seeds and let them sizzle.
  7. Add 4 fine chopped green chili, 6 - 8 fine chopped curry leaves, 1/2 cup curry leaves and fry it for few seconds on medium flame.
  8. Add 2 teaspoon coriander seeds, 2 teaspoon sesame seeds, 1 teaspoon fennel seeds and fry it.
  9. Add 1 teaspoon turmeric powder, 1 teaspoon red chili powder mix it well.
  10. Add all fried groundnuts, coconut slices, roasted gram split, salt as per your taste and mix it well.
  11. Take it out from the pan and add in the thin poha. And mix it well.
  12. Heat tava (flat pan) on a full flame. Then large stainless steel bowl put on the tava (flat pan).
  13. Put on the chivdas bowl for 20 minutes on the low flame. And saute occasionally. After 15 minutes add 250 gram murmura and mix it well. When chivda becomes crispy then switch off the gas.
  14. Once chivda cools down then add sugar as per your taste and mix it well.
After some time chivda will be ready. Then you can serve it.

Now as the dish is ready, don't forget to click a pic, share it on Instagram with your friends. Once this all is done, then finally let the feast begin !!!. 

If you like this dish, do comment on the blog, don't forget to follow me here and follow on Instagram -recipes_by_shraddha . Also don't forget to share this with your friends and beloved ones.

Thanks for reading.

- Shraddha Kharche

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