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Sweet Corn Pizza

Image of Sweet Corn Pizza

Hello friends, welcome to all of you on our blog recipes by Shraddha. Today's menu  is Sweet Corn Pizza. Sweet corn is a variety of maize with a high sugar content. Sweet corn occurs as a spontaneous mutation in field corn and was grown by several native American tribes. The Iroquois gave the first recorded sweet corn to European settlers in 1779. It soon became a popular food on the southern and central regions of the  united states. 

Ingredients :-

  • 1 Pizza Base
  • 1 Cup Grated Cheese
  • 1/2 Cup Boiled sweet Corn
  • 2 tbsp Pizza Sauce(Pizza Sauce recipe - Click here)
  • Oregano

Recipe :-

  1. Take a oven plate and place the pizza base in  oven plate.( Here I used ready made pizza base)
  2. Kindly bake the pizza base till it is half done in microwave.
  3. After that add 2 tbsp pizza sauce and spread it.
  4. Add grated cheese. Add boiled sweet corn and again add grated cheese on top of the boiled corn.
  5. Cook the corn pizza in microwave on 180℃ for 5 minutes.
  6. After 5 minutes take out the corn pizza from microwave and cut it.
  7. Sprinkle the oregano on it and serve it hot with tomato ketchup.(Also, you can use red chilli flakes.)

Now as the dish is ready, don't forget to click a pic, share it on Instagram with your friends. Once this all is done, then finally let the feast begin !!!. 

If you like this dish, do comment on the blog, don't forget to follow me here and follow on Instagram -  recipes_by_shraddha . Also don't forget to share this with your friends and beloved ones.

Thanks for reading.

- Shraddha Kharche

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