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Watermelon Juice

Image of Watermelon Juice

Hello friends, welcome to all of you on our blog recipes by shraddha. Today's watermelon juice recipe. Watermelon is one of the most loved summer fruit. We all get lazy during the summer days and don't really feel that energy to work. However, drinking a glass of watermelon juice can make a big difference. It has electrolytes, carbs and minerals that hydrate your body and you feel energetic. Watermelons are packed with fiber. As the fruit has high water content, it helps to flush out the harmful toxin from the body. Watermelon has potassium and magnesium which help in keeping the blood vessels healthy. It is also help in maintaining smooth blood flow.

If you want to loss weight quickly then add it in your diet. Watermelon help to reduces the risk of diabetes and cancer. Rich in amino acids, watermelons are good for your heart health. They improve blood flow in the body and reduces the risk of a heart attack. Watermelon juice can help you fuel your body with vitamin A. Vitamin A is essential for your eyes.

Lets start the watermelon juice recipe.


  • 1/2 kg Watermelon
  • 1/2 tsp Chaat Masala
  • 1/4 Cup Watermelon(Fine cut in cubes)
  • 4 tbsp Sugar
  • Mint Leaves
  • Salt

How to remove seeds from watermelon:-

  1. Take a watermelon. First rinse watermelon under running water.
  2. Cut the slice of one end then cut the slice of other end.
  3. Remove the outer part and white part is bitter, so remove completely.
  4. After that outer part is gone then cut slice of one end now.
  5. Cut slice in vertically like cutting a loaf of bread.(If watermelon is too big then cut in half.)
  6. Cut along the seed line then you can remove seeds easily. Seeds will be present only at the borderline.
  7. You can scrape it with a spoon/knife, then cut in cubes.


  1. Add cubed fruit to mixer or blender.
  2. Add 1/2 tsp chaat masala, 4 tbsp sugar, salt to taste and blend it, blend until smooth.
  3. Pour watermelon juice to serving glass and add 1/4 cup watermelon(fine cut in cubes).
  4. Garnish with mint leaves and enjoy the delicious watermelon juice.

Now as the watermelon juice is ready, don't forget to click a pic, share it on Instagram with your friends. Once this all is done, then finally let the feast begin !!!. 

If you like this juice, do comment on the blog, don't forget to follow me here and follow on Instagram -  recipes_by_shraddha . Also don't forget to share this with your friends and beloved ones.

Thanks for reading.

- Shraddha Kharche

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