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Upvas Batata Bhaji/Farali Dry Potatoes

Image of Upvas Batata Bhaji

Upvas batata bhaji or farali dry potatoes this dish in Indian cuisine. This dish is very easy to make and so many people likes tasty tasty dish during fasting, so this dish is perfect for fasting. My family loves this dish, I make this dish with dal rice every week. Also, you can make it for lunch or dinner time.

Ingredients :-

  • 4 Medium boiled potatoes
  • 1/2 Cup groundnuts(Crushed)
  • 4 - 5 Green chilli chopped
  • 1 tsp Cumin seeds
  • Salt 
  • Oil

Recipe :-

  1. Take boiled potatoes and cut it in small pieces.
  2. Heat oil in a pan, add cumin seeds and let them sizzle then add green chilli and saute it well.
  3. Add boiled potato pieces in it, salt to taste and mix it well.
  4. Stir it intermediately on medium flame for five minutes after that add groundnuts and mix it well.
  5. Again stir it intermediately till they leave the oil, make it dry and crispy them.
  6. After that serve the hot upvas bhaji in plates and enjoy it.

Now as the dish is ready, don't forget to click a pic, share it on Instagram with your friends. Once this all is done, then finally let the feast begin !!!. 

If you like this dish, do comment on the blog, don't forget to follow me here and follow on Instagram -  recipes_by_shraddha . Also don't forget to share this with your friends and beloved ones.

Thanks for reading.

- Shraddha Kharche

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